Friday, 27 January 2023

Shadow Resources Minister, Senator Susan McDonald says she holds deep concerns over the Labor
Government’s lawmaking procedures based on “ideology and not information” which has resulted in
a string of bad outcomes for Australian businesses and communities.

Citing news that gas company Senex had cancelled $200 million worth of equipment orders for its
proposed Atlas project in Queensland because of gas price caps, Senator McDonald said the entire
resources sector was under attack by a Labor administration that had fumbled the ball numerous
times in less than a year in office.

“Labor is implementing policies that sound good but don’t work. Legislation has been rushed and
rammed through with virtually no consultation – either with the Opposition, the Australian public or
affected stakeholders,” she said.

“Gas price caps are complex and have far-reaching consequences, but the Opposition only received
the legislation the night before it was due to be debated. We warned about the consequences to
investment in one of our most important sectors but this was ignored and now Labor’s chickens are
coming home to roost.

“They’ve shown the same reckless attitude to changing the Cashless Debit Card, ramming through IR
laws that expose small businesses to union heavies, mandating unachievable emissions reductions
targets by 2030, signing up to a methane reduction pledge and cancelling billions of dollars in
Northern Australia dams funding.

“This attitude to governing shows contempt for common sense and due process. Labor governs by
ideology, not by information, and Australian companies and communities are suffering.
“With gas investor confidence plummeting, there will be fewer jobs, less trade for family businesses
that support industry, and less taxes and royalties to spend on hospitals, schools and roads.

“We predicted life wouldn’t be easy under Albanese, and sadly it’s true.”