Thursday, 27 June 2024

Shadow Minister for Resources, Senator Susan McDonald has blasted anti-gas “falsehoods” from the Greens and environmental groups while welcoming the long-overdue approval for the expansion of Senex’s Atlas and Roma North natural gas developments in Queensland’s Surat Basin.

Senator McDonald said the use of emotive language by anti-gas campaigners was not based on facts and risked Australia’s mature and well-managed gas industry at a time more of the resource was desperately needed.

“Statements from the Greens and Lock the Gate Alliance about koalas and groundwater being impacted are hysterical overreach that ignore the fact Senex has passed every regulation contained in this arduous approval process,” she said.

“Worse, these groups make this Labor Government overly cautious in approving gas projects which threatens Australian jobs and blocks our emissions reduction pathways.

“The Greens political party are the most destructive force in Australia, they represent economic vandalism that threatens Australia’s access to affordable, plentiful, and low-emissions gas and the economic benefits that come with it.

“Gas is irreplaceable for Australia, for electricity generation, manufacturing and heating, and renewables alone cannot power the country, yet the Greens’ ideological positions will ensure more businesses close, more jobs are lost overseas, and more Australians go cold in winter.

“The Greens claim to care about koalas but have been strangely silent after revelations one of their own Senators applied to clear trees near koala habitat in New South Wales for a housing development.

“It is a fact that prosperous nations are better able to manage the environment, but the Greens undermine this prosperity, not with facts, but with lies, manipulation and propaganda.

“The Albanese Government should have the courage and strength to stand up to such tactics, and let Australian resources companies do what they do best.”