Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Shadow Minister for Northern Australia, Senator Susan McDonald has dismissed the Federal Government’s much-vaunted “Northern Australia Action Plan 2024-2029” as a “no action plan” that offers little hope for generational change in the region.

“This government has done nothing to further the development of Northern Australia,” she said.

“Their only agenda has been to tinker with programs and initiatives of the previous Coalition government.

“We’ve seen previously legislated reviews into the Northern Australia White Paper and Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.

“Now we have a media statement from the Minister that reads more like an encyclopedia of motherhood statements such as ‘raise awareness’ and ‘continued efforts’ but nothing about tangible transformational infrastructure that truly stamps Northern Australia as a region of national and international significance.

“The government claims it wants to develop water resources as one of its ‘six pillars’ but the first thing Labor did after the election was cancel funding for the Cairns Water Supply, Hells Gate Dam, Urannah Dam, the Bowen Pipeline, the Richmond Irrigation Scheme and the Hughenden Irrigation Project.

“The most marked element of this plan is that there is no plan. It contains no measurable outcomes and actions which means Northern Australia is in trouble if the government continues down this path.

“The last two-and-a-half years have been wasted under this Albanese Government, and they have been carried along by Coalition policies and programs.”

In a speech at the Developing Northern Australia Conference in Karratha, WA, this week, Senator McDonald outlined a future Coalition Government’s approach to the portfolio.

“The Government needs to stop doing deals with UNESCO over the Great Barrier Reef, putting at risk fishing businesses, and tourism and Indigenous communities,” she told the conference.

“Instead of Production Tax Credits – still not designed, still not explained, still not implemented – we need to urgently consider reformation of the zonal tax offset for Northern Australia.

“We need to invest in important infrastructure, such as the Outback Way.

“Increased competition among airlines is essential to foster tourism, economic development and population growth.

“We need to invest in roads, transport, housing, access to health and emergency services, communication connectivity, education, job creation, and community safety.

“Strategic investment in infrastructure, skills and industries will not only strengthen Northern Australia and our communities but also ensure we remain competitive in the global market.”