The more people who use this app, the sooner we can all get back to normality.
The more people who use this app, the sooner we can all get back to normality.
The Australian Government today launches the new voluntary coronavirus app, COVIDSafe, an important public health initiative to help keep you, your family and your community safe from further spread of coronavirus through early notification of possible exposure.
Thanks to a significant investment from the Federal Government of up to an initial $165 million, Qantas and Virgin will operate a minimum domestic network servicing the most critical metropolitan and regional routes in Australia, with a heavy focus on Queensland routes.
Here is a Question & Answer document concerning the Mandatory Code of Conduct for commercial leases agreed to by the National Cabinet.
Please note that residential rental arrangements are covered by State Governments but there is a six month ban on evictions currently in place.
AN easy-to-read summary of the various measures being undertaken by the Morrison Government to help save lives and livelihoods during the coronavirus crisis.
The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government is making temporary changes to visa arrangements to help farmers access the workforce they need to secure Australiaâs food and produce supply during COVID-19.
The changes allow those within the Pacific Labour Scheme, Seasonal Worker Program and working holiday makers to continue to work in agriculture and food processing until the coronavirus crisis has passed.
From Monday, the Federal Government will support child care providers to stay open, while also providing free child care for workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
We have acted decisively to address concerns about the hoarding and profiteering of essential goods, such as personal protective gear, disinfectants and other medical products and have introduced tough penalties for price gouging.
The Morrison Government will inject an extra $49.8 million into the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program in the 2019-20 financial year, allowing exporters and tourism businesses to get additional reimbursements for costs incurred in marketing their products and services around the world.
Our Government has guaranteed the viability and capacity of the private hospital sector, in an agreement that will ensure over 30,000 hospital beds, and the sectorâs 105,000 skilled workforce, is available alongside the public hospital sector.